Слизь хаоса

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Astrageldon Slime map.png Эта страница содержит описание старого контента мода, которое было удалено или заменено. Информация, представленная здесь, не относится к текущей версии Calamity.
Слизь хаоса
Chaos Slime.png
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The Chaos Slime was a Hardmode slime that spawned in The Underworld after Golem had been defeated. It existed to drop Scoria Ore (which was called Chaotic Ore at the time), so that the player could not use up all the ore available to them. It has since been removed due to the implementation of the Chaotic Puffer and Devil Fish.


  • Despite Scoria Ore spawning in the Abyss, Chaos Slimes spawned in the Underworld.
    • This is likely due to the fact that Chaos Slimes would simply float straight up if spawned in the Abyss.
    • This is also likely due to the fact that Scoria Ore spawned in the Underworld in earlier versions of the mod.


Разделы истории всё ещё находятся в процессе разработки и могут не содержать изменений, актуальных для текущей версии Calamity.

История:Слизь хаоса