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La actualización (o solucionó numerosos problemas de las actualizaciones anteriores, modificó varias armas y reequilibró significativamente la clase Rogue y otros objetos. La actualización también agregó docenas de nuevos sonidos, un par de nuevos criaturas no-hostiles para los Laboratorios arsenales y una variedad de sugerencias para el menú de carga.

Esta actualización también transfirió el mod a tModLoader v.2022.9.47, e implementó su nueva función de consejos de juego personalizados.

Añadidos[editar | editar código]

  • Añadido Androomba, Androomba Pal, y Nanodroid.
  • Añadidos Androomba (objeto), Dysfunctional Nanodroid, Nanodroid (objeto), Green Plague Nanodroid, Red Plague Nanodroid, Repair Unit (objeto) objetos de criaturas.
  • Añadido The Anomaly's Nanogun, Atlas Munitions Beacon, Puff Shroom, y Warloks' Moon Fist.
  • Añadido Eye of the Accursed Banner, Vela ritualística grande, Monolito de los malditos, Occult Legionnaire Banner, Occult Platform, Vela ritualística, Bañera sacrílega, Cama sacrílega, Banco sacrílego, Librería sacrílega, Candelabro sacrílego, Vela sacrílega, Silla sacrílega, Lámpara araña sacrílega, Cofre sacrílego, Reloj sacrílego, Puerta sacrílega, Aparador sacrílego, Farola sacrílega, Linterna sacrílega, Órgano sacrílego, Fregadero sacrílego, Mesa sacrílega, y Banco de trabajo sacrílego.
  • Añadidos los efectos positivos Moon Fist (buff) y Puff Warrior (buff).
  • Añadida la Caja de música de ambiente de Draedon.
  • Añadido Occult Brick.
  • Añadido Occult Brick Wall.
  • Añadido Thank You.
  • Añadido la rareza 17.
  • Se han añadidos varios efectos de sonido.
  • Añadida la opción de configuraciones Remove Reforge RNG.
  • Se han añadido las Llamadas CanFirePointBlank, SetAmalgamBuffList, SetFirePointBlank, y SetPersistentBuffList.
  • Se han añadido los siguientes consejos (En inglés):
    • "Deep below the Underground Desert lie the ruined outskirts of a fallen kingdom."
    • "Old labs can be found scattered throughout the Underground."
    • "You can find Planetoids in outer space!"
    • "The Abyss can be found deep below the Sulphurous Sea. It's very difficult to explore without proper diving gear."
    • "The Bandit is most interested in those who save up enough money worth to swindle."
    • "If you've been reforging a lot with the Goblin Tinkerer, it might pay off to give the Bandit a visit."
    • "The Drunk Princess is great to party with. If you carry her favorite vodka, she might move in."
    • "The Sea King used to like clams. He changed his mind when he got eaten by one."
    • "The Sea King can provide a bubble to aid with breathing underwater to any who ask for help."
    • "The Archmage can be freed if you destroy the very castle he was imprisoned in."
    • "The Brimstone Witch can enchant items to grant them new powers."
    • "Titan Hearts can be used as an offering at a Beacon found in the Astral Infection."
    • "Summoning the sun goddess under the light of the moon massively empowers her strength y endurance."
    • "Summoning the fae goddess under the light of day will start a vicious y persistent battle."
    • "Killing the most harmless of enemies can awaken the wrath of a much stronger monster. Slay them at your own risk!"
    • "Use the Rod of Discord in the Abyss at your own risk. The chaotic traces left behind may attract the attention of unwanted foes."
    • "An ancient artifact resides at the bottom of the Abyss. Use with great caution."
    • "El Descifrador can be upgraded, allowing you to decrypt new schematics found in various labs around the world."
    • "Certain weaponry requires charge to use. Weapons can be charged at a Charging Station with Draedon Power Cells."
    • "Power Cell Factories generate Draedon Power Cells over time."
    • "Power Cell Factories y Charging Stations can be looted from labs in the Underground."
    • "Wearing any rogue class armor lets you build stealth!"
    • "Holding a non-summoner weapon reduces the damage of your minions."
    • "Certain attacks will chip away at your defense, but it will quickly regenerate afterward."
    • "Ranged weapons fired at point blank will do a lot more damage."
    • "Need a challenge beyond Expert Mode? Try Revengeance Mode!"
    • "Blood Orbs collected during the Blood Moon can craft almost any potion."
    • "Modded controls can be bound in Settings."
  • Cambios[editar | editar código]

    Jefes y NPCs[editar | editar código]

    • Las caídas de accesorios ya no se ponderan en los grupos de caídas de jefes.
    • Anahita, Aurora Spirit, Cryo Slime, Criógeno, Cryon, Deerclops, Ice Clasper, y Rimehound ahora son inmunes a Frostbite debuff.
    • Antlions ahora dispara 3-5 Sand Balls en Modo muerte. Su capacidad anterior para disparar 8-13 bolas de arena normalmente y 80-129 bolas de arena con una probabilidad del 0,1% se traslada a la semilla del mundo digno.
    • Azote acuático, Astrum Deus, Brimstone Heart, Cosmic Guardian, Dark Energy, The Destroyer, Ravager partes, Storm Weaver, XF-09 Ares, y XM-05 Thanatos ya no tienen resistencia global a las granadas.
    • Añadido dialogo para el Traficante de armas sobre la Escopeta de cuatro cañones.
    • La Bandida ahora ataca tres veces más rápido.
    • Añadido Fuego de destierro, Hellfire, Frostbite, Rancor Burn, Sparkle Slime, Vulnerability Hex, y debuffs de Dark Harvest y Tentacle Spike a la pantalla de desventaja de NPC.
    • Los íconos de bestiario para el Archimago, Bandida, Bruja de azufre, Princesa borracha, y Rey del mar ahora están animados durante la interacción.
    • Las entradas de bestiario para Arsenal Lab y Astral Underground ahora cuentan con fondos de mapas subterráneos y astrales respectivamente.
    • Añadido notas en el Bestiario para las condiciones de dropeos de objetos.
    • Filtros Bestiario acortados para el Abismo.
    • Añadido a la Avalancha de jefes animaciones de transición de nivel.
    • Se eliminó el enfriamiento adicional entre Elemental de Azufre y Signus durante Boss Rush.
    • Las criaturas ya no reciben daño de Calamidad.
    • Criaturas y Town NPCs ya no se ven afectados por Origen del espíritu de Daawnlight.
    • Daybroken ahora está registrado como una desventaja de calor.
    • Macho y hembra Pez Diablo Las entradas del Bestiario ahora son distintas.
    • Dreadnautilus ahora tiene la barra de salud del jefe de Calamity.
    • Se ajustó la aparición de Dungeon Guardian para la semilla del mundo borracho.
    • Enchanted Nightcrawler ahora puede generarse a partir de ambient objects y hierba salvaje de la Astral Infection.
    • Frostbite ahora está registrado como una desventaja por frío.
    • Los mimicos ahora sueltan sus objetos con un 25% de probabilidad en lugar de un 33,33%.
    • Mourning Wood ahora arroja Witch's Broom en todas las dificultades.
    • Almeja gigante ahora dropea Colgante de Amidias y Perla gigante independientemente de la condición.
    • Piggy y Repair Unit ahora están en la categoría de criaturas dorados para el Bestiario.
    • Plague ahora se propaga a los NPC cercanos al morir durante 5 segundos.
    • Las unidades de reparación ahora pueden ser golpeadas con cualquier Red para insectos.
    • Scryllar el recuento de muertes para el Bestiary ahora aumenta al matar a su variante enfurecida.
    • Skeleton Merchant ahora es inmune a la mayoría de los debuffs excepto Lovestruck, Slime, Sparkle Slime, Stinky, y Wet.
    • Sparkle Slime ahora tiene los mismos efectos que Slime.
    • Steampunker ahora vende Purple Solution o Red Solution en un Cementerio para el mal opuesto elegido.
    • Los efectos negativos infligidos por El dios de la antorcha ahora escalan con dificultad
    • Añadido los siguientes nombres de PNJ de Pueblo:
      • "Jeffred" y "The Cooler Arthur" para el Traficante de Armas
      • "Him" para el Duende chapucero
      • "Lacuna" para el Mago
    • Añadido un diálogo para el Mago sobre la Vara de la discordia.
    • El Mago ya no ignora los efectos de descuento por vender la Vara de la Discordia.

    Azote Acuático[editar | editar código]

    Astrum Deus[editar | editar código]

    • Now drops 5-15 Greater Healing Potions instead of 8-14.

    Brain of Cthulhu[editar | editar código]

    • No longer hides its minimap icon below 20% Revengeance Mode / 100% Modo muerte health.

    Elemental de Azufre[editar | editar código]

    • Añadido a drop weight system for Abadón, Gehenna, y Piedra de rosácea.
    • Hellfireballs now explode on tiles behind the player y pass through tiles in front of the player.
    • Decreased the effectiveness of enrages by 40%.

    Calamitas[editar | editar código]

    • Hellfireballs now explode on tiles behind the player y pass through tiles in front of the player.
    • Halved bullet hell hellblast acceleration but increased maximum speed by 25%.

    Ceaseless Void[editar | editar código]

    • Increased void pull strength by 25% but it can no longer affect vertical movement.

    Crabulón[editar | editar código]

    • Nerfed Crab Shroom's health from 25 / 50 Expert Mode / 75 Master Mode to 15 / 30 Expert Mode / 45 Master Mode.

    Deerclops[editar | editar código]

    • Now drops Bone Helm in all difficulties.

    Azote Desértico[editar | editar código]

    The Destroyer[editar | editar código]

    • Now takes 60% damage from Cryophobia's blast.

    The Devourer of Gods[editar | editar código]

    Duke Fishron[editar | editar código]

    • Nerfed health from 105,625 / 126,750 Expert Mode / 177,450 Revengeance Mode / 161,604 Master Mode / 226,248 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 100,000 / 120,000 Expert Mode / 168,000 Revengeance Mode / 153,000 Master Mode / 214,200 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.

    Exo Mechs[editar | editar código]

    • Increased audio quality of Draedon's ambience.
    • Draedon now reappears with a flying hologram projector when attacked.
    • Draedon is now immune to all debuffs y cannot be homed in on.
    • Decreased Ares' Exoplasma Bolt acceleration by 66.67% y maximum speed by 16.67%.
    • Doubled Ares Laser Cannon y Thanatos Exo Pulse Laser lifespan y telegraph time. Decreased maximum speed by 25%.
    • Increased Ares' Gauss Nuke telegraph radius y decreased opacity from 40% to 20%.
    • Ares now takes 80% damage from Dragon Rage instead of 25%.
    • Ares now takes 85% damage from The Enforcer's flames instead of 50%.
    • Ares now takes 75% damage from Murasama instead of 40%.
    • Ares now takes 90% damage from Seraphim's lasers.
    • Removed Apollo's predictiveness.
    • Halved Apollo's Volatile Plasma Blast's initial speed.
    • Increased Artemis' predictiveness by 66.67% / 100% Expert Mode / 112.12% Revengeance Mode / 122.22% Modo muerte y 138.1% in Boss Rush.
    • Artemis' Exo Pulse Laser now accelerates to maximum speed y have doubled lifespan. Increased maximum speed by 15%.
    • Artemis y Apollo now take 90% damage from Seared Pan instead of Thanatos.
    • Increased Thanatos' distance from the player by 20% while aggressive y 100% while passive.
    • Decreased Thanatos' movement speed y turn speed by 10%.
    • Thanatos now takes 8% damage from Seraphim's lasers instead of 10%.
    • Thanatos now takes 75% damage from Dragon Rage.
    • Thanatos now takes 35% damage from The Enforcer's flames.
    • Thanatos no longer takes 25% damage from Celestus.
    • Thanatos no longer takes 80% damage from Utensil Poker's fork y carving fork.

    La Mente de la Colmena[editar | editar código]

    • Rot Balls now drop at a 25% chance in Classic Mode instead of 100%, y is included in the weighted drop stack.

    Yharon, Dragón del Renacimiento[editar | editar código]

    • No longer temporarily gains increased movement stats while transitioning into the second phase.
    • Reduced Dragonfire duration from Infernadoes from 10 seconds to 5.
    • Reduced Dragonfire duration from contact from 8 seconds to 4.
    • Reduced Dragonfire duration from Flarenadoes from 6 seconds to 3.
    • Reduced Dragonfire duration from Flare Bombs, Flare Dusts, y Fireballs from 4 seconds to 2.

    Leviathan y Anahita[editar | editar código]

    • The Leviathan takes up to 50% longer to switch between attacks.
    • The Leviathan spawns one less Aquatic Aberration.
    • The Leviathan now spawns Aquatic Aberrations 33.33% more frequently during non-final phases, but half as frequently in the final phase.

    Lunatic Cultist[editar | editar código]

    • Nerfed health from 53,500 / 66,875 Expert Mode / 80,250 Revengeance Mode / 85,263 Master Mode / 102,318 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 44,500 / 55,625 Expert Mode / 66,750 Revengeance Mode / 70,920 Master Mode / 85,104 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Now takes 80% damage from Art Attack y Nightglow.
    • Atlas no longer gains buffs after the Lunatic Cultist is defeated.
      • Removed the related status message after defeating the boss.

    Moon Lord[editar | editar código]

    • Nerfed Moon Lord's Hand's Phantasmal Sphere damage from 100 / 200 Expert Mode / 260 Revengeance Mode / 284 Modo muerte / 300 Master Mode / 390 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 80 / 160 Expert Mode / 260 Revengeance Mode / 284 Modo muerte / 240 Master Mode / 390 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Nerfed True Eye of Cthulhu's Phantasmal Sphere damage from 110 / 220 Expert Mode / 260 Revengeance Mode / 284 Modo muerte / 330 Master Mode / 390 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 88 / 176 Expert Mode / 260 Revengeance Mode / 284 Modo muerte / 264 Master Mode / 390 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.

    The Old Duke[editar | editar código]

    • Increased vortex pull strength by 25% but it can no longer affect vertical movement.

    Los Perforadores[editar | editar código]

    • Tooth Balls now drop at a 25% chance in Classic Mode instead of 100%, y is included in the weighted drop stack.

    Providence, the Profaned Goddess[editar | editar código]

    • Holy Blasts now explode into an even spread of fire. Decreased fire count from 8 to 6 during the day, 10 to 8 during the night.
    • No longer inflicts Holy Inferno during her death animation.
    • Now drops 4 Tinte de luz de luna profano at night instead of 3-4.
    • Changed the status message from "The air is burning..." to "Holy flames burn away at your wings...".
    • Now takes 20% damage from the Hell's Sun.

    Los Dioses Slime[editar | editar código]

    • The core no longer has Calamity's boss health bar.
    • Añadido a status message for the core fleeing the battle when defeated.

    Storm Weaver[editar | editar código]

    • No longer fires lightning in the third phase. Changed phase transition from 65% to 55%.
    • No longer charges in the fourth phase. Changed phase transition from 50% to 30%.

    Supreme Witch, Calamitas[editar | editar código]

    • Brimstone Fireblasts now explode into an even spread of darts. Changed dart count from 16 in all difficulties to 8 / 12 Expert Mode / 14 Revengeance Mode / 16 Modo muerte y 20 during Boss Rush.
    • Brimstone Gigablasts now explode into an even spread of darts. Changed dart count from 60 in all difficulties to 20 / 28 Expert Mode / 32 Revengeance Mode / 36 Modo muerte y 44 during Boss Rush.
    • Supreme Cataclysm y Supreme Catastrophe now fire even spreads of darts. Changed dart count from 16 in all difficulties to 8 / 12 Expert Mode / 14 Revengeance Mode / 16 Modo muerte y 20 during Boss Rush.
    • Now teleports to the center of the arena during the battle's end dialogues.

    Wall of Flesh[editar | editar código]

    • No longer drops Demon Heart in Classic Mode.

    Balance y Reworks[editar | editar código]

    Armor y Accessories[editar | editar código]

    • Nerfed Espejo abisal y Espejo de miraje's stealth regeneration boost while standing still from 30% to 25% y stealth regeneration boost while moving from 20% to 12%.
    • Nerfed Aerospec armor's maximum stealth boost from 100 to 80.
    • La Amalgama y Cerebro amalgamado now inherit Brain of Confusion's dodge effect.
    • Buffed Brain of Confusion's dodge cooldown from 120 seconds to 90.
    • Nerfed Moneda del engaño's stealth cost from 75% to 85%.
    • Nerfed Columna corrosiva's movement speed boost from 10% to 5%.
    • Vaina de materia oscura y Espejo eclipse no longer guarantee critical strikes on stealth strikes.
    • Decreased Dark God's Sheath y Eclipse Mirror stealth regeneration acceleration.
    • Nerfed Dark God's Sheath, Eclipse Mirror, y Vaina silenciadora maximum stealth boost from 20 to 10.
    • Buffed Eclipse Mirror's stealth regeneration boost while standing still from 20% to 25%.
    • Artefacto de alma misterioso now increases stealth regeneration by 10% instead of rogue damage by 15%.
    • Extorsionador etéreo souls no longer spawn from secondary projectiles. It no longer decreases life regeneration.
    • Buffed La Evolución's reflect cooldown from 120 seconds to 90.
    • Corona de plumas feathers now have a velocity multiplier of 4.
    • Mata de hongos now scales with the best class damage y no longer applies a penalty when holding a non-summon weapon.
    • Nerfed Gladiator armor's maximum stealth boost from 70 to 60.
    • Buffed Guante de precisión's attack speed reduction from 20% to 15%.
    • Buffed Guante de la imprudencia' attack speed boost from 12% to 15% but doubled its inaccuracy.
    • Buffed Bomba de tinta cooldown from 25 seconds to 20.
    • Luxor's Gift no longer functions on channeling items.
    • Magiluminescence now increases running speed by 1.05x.
    • Buffed Mining armor's set bonus pickaxe speed boost from 30% to 40% y it now allows extra ores to occasionally drop.
    • Nanotecnología y Raider's Talisman now increases non-stealth strike rogue critical strike chance by 12% after performing a stealth strike which decays over 5 seconds, instead of gradually increasing rogue damage after landing critical strikes which lasts until death.
    • Corona de calavera oculta can no longer be equipped in the helmet slot.
    • All three minions from Artefacto de alma profano now spawn regardless of conditions. The offensive guardian no longer increases summon damage.
    • Nerfed Medallón de la ruina's stealth cost from 50% to 75%.
    • Buffed Reaver Headgear's pickaxe speed boost from 10% to 40%, placement speed from 20% to 40%, increase set bonus range boost from 2 to 4, y set bonus now grants the Spelunker effect instead of causing treasure to sparkle.
    • Removed Diente de perro podrido's flat stealth cost reduction.
    • Buffed Manto de arena, increased defense from 1 to 2 y decreased ability stealth usage from 25% to 10%. Increased the dust veil's radius by 20%.
    • Scuttler's Jewel now has a 0.5 second cooldown for spawning spikes. The spike now pierces twice instead of infinitely, y does typeless damage instead of rogue.
    • Silencing Sheath no longer increases stealth regeneration time.
    • Adjusted Velo espectral's stealth regeneration boost from 20% only while moving to 15% regardless of condition.
    • Nerfed Statigel armor's maximum stealth boost from 100 to 90.
    • Nerfed Sulphurous armor's maximum stealth boost from 95 to 70.
    • Nerfed Victide armor's maximum stealth boost from 90 to 60.
    • Añadido a 0.25-0.5 second cooldown to Paquete acrobático de wulfrum's hook spawn, increasing as the hook is aimed downwards. The player no longer gains a velocity boost by jumping out of the hook unless the player is below the hook.

    Melee weapons[editar | editar código]

    • Buffed Ark of the Cosmos' damage from 1300 to 1670.
    • Buffed Azathoth's damage from 50 to 80.
    • Rebalanced Blade of Grass, nerfed damage from 45 to 35 but buffed use time from 33 to 30.
    • Buffed Crescent Moon's damage from 300 to 380. Increased homing radius by 50%.
    • Buffed Draconic Destruction's damage from 80 to 250.
    • Nerfed Dragon Rage's damage from 1275 to 1075. Fireballs now have a spawning cooldown of one second.
    • Buffed Exoblade's damage from 640 to 825.
    • Nerfed Feller of Evergreens' damage from 40 to 18.
    • Nerfed Fiery Greatsword's damage from 90 to 72.
    • Nerfed Fractured Ark's damage from 80 to 70 y parry damage multiplier from 1.75 to 1.5.
    • Nerfed Frostbrand's damage from 140 to 97 y use time from 20 to 23.
    • Buffed Galaxy Smasher's damage from 264 to 300.
    • Buffed Galileo Gladius' use time from 10 to 8 y velocity from 2.4 to 0.9.
    • Buffed Illustrious Knives' use time from 12 to 10, y Añadido a velocity multiplier of 2.
    • Buffed Mycelial Claws' damage from 20 to 21. It now grants the Mushy buff for 6 seconds on hit.
    • Nerfed Spine of Thanatos' damage from 260 to 150.
    • Buffed Teardrop Cleaver's damage from 24 to 45 y increased its size by 50%.
    • Nerfed Terrarian's damage from 352 to 106.
    • Nerfed unattuned True Biome Blade's damage from 400 to 200.

    Ranged weapons[editar | editar código]

    • Nerfed Adamantite Particle Accelerator's damage from 100 to 65.
    • Nerfed Anti-materiel Rifle's damage from 3240 to 1880. Removed its damage multiplier of 1.3 when used with non-converted ammo.
    • Nerfed Clockwork Bow's damage from 808 to 770.
    • Buffed Crackshot Colt's coin ricochet damage multiplier from 2 to 2.5.
    • Nerfed Disseminator's use time from 23 to 30.
    • Buffed Flak Toxicannon's damage from 50 to 60 y velocity from 9 to 16.
    • Reworked Heavenly Gale. It now fires a burst of nine crystal arrows in different angles from its tip, instead of parallel rows of five laser arrows in two-round bursts. All arrows are now converted y have a singular homing function, instead of exclusively converting Wooden Arrows into arrows of different functions depending on color. The player can now stop attacking for up to five seconds to increase damage of the crystal arrows up to 450% damage. If the arrow reaches its maximum damage, lightning bolts will also additionally spawn on hit, dealing 162% damage. Buffed its damage from 198 to 350 but nerfed use time from 30 to 42. It can no longer receive the Ephemeral enchantment.
    • Buffed Infinity's damage from 45 to 130.
    • Buffed The Maelstrom's damage from 397 to 530.
    • Buffed Matter Modulator's damage from 84 to 100 y velocity from 7 to 12.
    • P90 no longer does less damage while using Acid Rounds.
    • Buffed Phangasm's damage from 110 to 180.
    • Sea's Searing spout now uses IDstatic immunity frames instead of local iframes.
    • Buffed Soma Prime's damage from 130 to 370, y increased Shred's damage over time from 75 damage per second to 150.
    • Buffed Titanium Railgun's damage from 275 to 370.
    • Buffed Toxibow's damage from 5 to 15.
    • Nerfed Tyranny's End's damage from 2250 to 2000 y use time from 55 to 60.
    • Nerfed Vortexpopper's use time from 16 to 21.

    Magic weapons[editar | editar código]

    • Rebalanced Acid Gun. Buffed its damage from 17 to 28 y acid streams now inflict Irradiated for 2 seconds. However, fully exhausting all the pierce of any acid stream will cause all the streams to disappear.
    • Alula Australis stars now home into nearby enemies. Nerfed damage from 99 to 65.
    • Rebalanced Amber Staff. Buffed its damage from 19 to 21. Increased use time from 40 to 45 y Añadido a use delay of 10.
    • Buffed Apotheosis' damage from 77 to 230.
    • Buffed Art Attack's damage from 52 to 470.
    • Buffed Clothier's Wrath's damage from 38 to 80 y velocity from 6 to 9.
    • Buffed Face Melter's damage from 140 to 200.
    • Buffed Frigidflash Bolt's damage from 66 to 80.
    • Rebalanced Gatling Laser. Buffed its damage from 43 to 50. However, it no longer deals explosion damage.
    • Buffed Gauss Pistol's damage from 110 to 150.
    • Nerfed Hellwing Staff's damage from 33 to 22 y use time from 24 to 30.
    • Buffed Hyphae Rod's damage from 20 to 22.
    • Buffed Magic Missile's damage from 20 to 23 y use time from 22 to 10.
    • Buffed Nightglow's damage from 50 to 54.
    • Buffed Rainbow Rod's mana cost from 21 to 12.
    • Nerfed Rancor's damage from 444 to 250. Decreased use time from 27 to 25.
    • Buffed Serpentine's damage from 10 to 14.
    • Buffed Starfall's damage from 50 to 57.
    • Reworked Subsuming Vortex. When used with its primary fire (left-click), it fires a spread of three high-speed small homing vortices. When used with its secondary fire (right-click), it now fires a large semi-controllable swirling vortex. The vortex fires fast-moving homing small vortices at nearby enemies. After charging for 4 seconds, the large vortex can be unleashed in the direction of the cursor to deal 435% of the weapon's damage. Buffed its damage from 242 to 533, y decreased its mana cost from 78 to 12.
    • Buffed Tesla Cannon's damage from 1050 to 1360.
    • Buffed The Wand's damage from 1 to 14.
    • Buffed Wingman's damage from 49 to 70.
    • Buffed Yharim's Crystal's damage from 70 to 75.

    Summon weapons[editar | editar código]

    • Ancient Ice Chunk now uses 16 local immunity frames. Increased charging rate by 233.33%.
    • Removed Ares' Exoskeleton's 1.1 damage multiplier for Tesla Cannons.
    • Black Hawk Remote now consumes y fires bullets. Nerfed damage from 32 to 25 y velocity from 10 to 6.
    • Buffed Blood Clot Staff y Dank Staff's damages from 7 to 16. Both minions now have a velocity multiplier of 3.
    • Buffed Calamari's Lament's damage from 95 to 110. Improved calamari minion tracking on targets, target range of the calamari by 16.67%, y initial ink velocity by 25%. Increased the ink's velocity multiplier from 2 to 3 y the ink now pierces four times.
    • Cosmic Viper Engine now consumes y fires bullets every other shot. Buffed damage from 138 to 321. Halved inaccuracy when firing a rocket y removed all rocket damage multipliers.
    • Reworked Cosmilamp. Instead of charging, it now fires cosmic beams which home into enemies y pierce twice. Lamps now idle around the player y create a wave formation y movement when multiple are present. Buffed damage from 89 to 127.
    • Buffed Dazzling Stabber Staff's damage from 56 to 127.
    • Buffed Dragonblood Disgorger's damage from 160 to 215.
    • Buffed Elemental Axe's damage from 50 to 57.
    • Nerfed Flowers of Mortality's damage from 140 to 72 y minion slot cost from 0.5 per minion to 0.6.
    • Rebalanced Gamma Heart. Nerfed its damage from 173 to 85. Its bullets now deal full damage instead of half. Each bullet now pierces up to four times, has a velocity multiplier of 3, y improved minion tracking. Increased target range of the gamma head by 215.79%. The canister now has a velocity multiplier of 2.
    • Reworked Infected Remote. It now costs 3 minion slots instead of scaling based on minion slots used. Virili now charges in a cross-based pattern, y charges above the target during the rocket firing phase. Charges now have a motion blur visual. Bees y Baby Plaguebringers now have a velocity multiplier of 2. Baby Plaguebringers charge 50% faster. Nerfed damage from 75 to 50.
    • Nerfed Metastasis' damage from 666 to 400.
    • Nerfed Midnight Sun Beacon's damage from 191 to 150.
    • Rebalanced Perdition. Nerfed damage from 444 to 100. Increased average speed of giant souls by 62.5%.
    • Buffed Pulse Turret Remote's damage from 100 to 150.
    • Nerfed Resurrection Butterfly's damage from 65 to 55.
    • Reworked Rusty Beacon Prototype. It now releases a cloudy pulse every 2 seconds which inflicts Sulphuric Poisoning on nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds, instead of hovering on top of enemies y bursting into rusty shrapnels. It now has a base damage of 2 y consumes sentry slots instead of minion slots.
    • Buffed Saros Possession's damage from 171 to 210.
    • Buffed Snake Eyes' damage from 36 to 65.
    • Buffed Sirius' damage from 160 to 175.
    • Nerfed Spikecrag Staff's spikes per shot from 5-7 to 2-3.
    • Staff of the Mechworm's minion now has a velocity multiplier of 2 y hits twice as often. Increased its target range by 27.27%.
    • Staff of Necrosteocytes' minion now has a velocity multiplier of 2 y now uses 30 local immunity frames.
    • Buffed Tactical Plague Engine's damage from 52 to 200.
    • Nerfed Vigilance's damage from 150 to 115.
    • Viral Sprout's Sage Poison debuff now scales in damage over time with the amount of minions spawned, instead of dealing a flat 45 damage per second y taking more time to deal more damage with each damage tick.
    • Reworked Virid Vanguard. Instead of constantly orbiting around the player y slowly launching the blades onto the cursor when using right-click, it now alternates between dashing side by side y repeatedly falling y teleporting on top of its target. Nerfed damage from 280 to 73 but decreased minion slot cost from 1.5 to 1.
    • Nerfed Void Concentration Staff's damage from 150 to 105.
    • Nerfed Wither Blossoms Staff's damage from 61 to 50.

    Rogue weapons[editar | editar código]

    • Nerfed Blazing Star's stack size from 4 to 3.
    • Bouncy Spiky Ball now throws four projectiles on stealth strikes, but no longer gains damage boosts on hit.
    • Nerfed Cobalt Kunai's stealth strike damage multiplier from 1.4 to 1.
    • Buffed Crystalline's stealth strike damage multiplier from 1 to 3.
    • Nerfed Deep Sea Dumbbell's stealth strike damage multiplier from 1.3 to 0.4.
    • Nerfed Feather Knife's damage from 25 to 16 y use time from 18 to 20.
    • Buffed Gilded Dagger y Gleaming Dagger's stealth strike damage multipliers from 1 to 2.8.
    • Rebalanced Hell's Sun. Buffed its damage from 85 to 240 but nerfed stealth strike damage multiplier from 0.6 to 0.12.
    • Infested Clawmerang now auto-reuses.
    • Buffed Iron Francisca y Lead Tomahawk's damage from 7 to 14. Stealth strikes now pierce 6 times instead of infinitely.
    • Buffed Mycoroot's damage from 10 to 12. Stealth strikes now grants the Mushy buff to all nearby players for 15 seconds.
    • Nerfed Nanoblack Reaper's stealth strike damage multiplier from 1.2 to 1.
    • Rebalanced Nasty Cholla. Buffed its damage from 9 to 15 y stealth strike damage multiplier from 1 to 1.4. Decreased amount of cactus balls that can stick to an enemy at a time from 20 to 3.
    • Buffed The Reaper's hit cooldown from 32 to 26.
    • Buffed Star of Destruction's hit cooldown from 10 to 5 y it now spawns four projectiles at minimum.
    • Nerfed Sticky Spiky Ball's stealth strike to throw four projectiles instead of seven.
    • Buffed Throwing Brick's damage from 14 to 17, use time from 40 to 35, y stealth strike damage multiplier from 1 to 1.2.
    • Rebalanced Toxicant Twister. Nerfed its damage from 323 to 300 but buffed stealth strike damage multiplier from 1 to 1.35.
    • Nerfed Tracking Disk's damage from 25 to 16 y use time from 42 to 45. Decreased stealth strike laser damage from 25% base damage to 15%.
    • Rebalanced Urchin Stinger. Buffed its stealth strike damage multiplier from 1 to 2. Bubbles from the stealth strike now inflict Irradiated instead of Acid Venom. Stingers now inflict Poisoned instead of Acid Venom.
    • Rebalanced Web Ball. Buffed its damage from 8 to 12. It now inflicts Webbed for 0.5 y 1 second instead of 1 y 2 seconds from non-stealth y stealth strikes respectively.
    • Nerfed Wulfrum Knife's damage from 11 to 9 y stealth strike damage multiplier from 3.2 to 0.8.

    Miscellaneous[editar | editar código]

    • Armor Crunch now multiplies enemy damage reduction by 0.85 instead of decreasing enemy defense by 15.
    • Cursed Inferno no longer decreases enemy damage reduction.
    • Debuffs y Defense damage now only occur if damage taken is above zero, no longer occurring during dodges.
    • Electrified no longer does double damage while a boss is not alive.
    • Increased the buff duration for Flask of Brimstone from 15 minutes to 20. The buff no longer increases movement speed, now affects whips, now spawn dusts on attacks, y now counts as a flask buff.
    • Increased the buff duration for Flask of Crumbling from 8 minutes to 20. The buff no longer increases melee y rogue critical strike chance, now affects whips, now spawn dusts on attacks, y now counts as a flask buff.
    • Invisibility Potion no longer has rogue effects.
    • Increased the maximum life regeneration scaling cap from 10 to 20.
    • Nerfed Penumbra Potion's stealth regeneration boost while moving from 15% to 10%, y removed the extra boost during a Solar Eclipse or while wearing Umbraphile armor.
    • Buffed base rogue stealth regeneration while moving from 11.11% per second to 25% per second.
    • Buffed base rogue stealth regeneration while standing still from 33.33% per second to 50% per second.
    • Nerfed Shadow Potion stealth regeneration boost from 10% to 8%. The projectiles now spawn regardless of weapon type, y removed additional boosts granted based on weapon type held. It now applies a shadow effect to the player instead of turning the player invisible.

    Recipes[editar | editar código]

    • Alianza angelical can now be crafted with Ancient Hallowed Plate Mail or Ancient Hallowed Greaves, using the Any Hallowed Plate Mail y Any Hallowed Greaves recipe groups.
    • Aquamarine Staff is now crafted with Amethyst Staff or Topaz Staff instead of Diamond Staff or Ruby Staff.
    • Bowl of Soup can now be crafted with a Mushroom y Sea Minnow at a Cooking Pot.
    • Clay Pot is now crafted with 5 Arcilla astral instead of 2.
    • Moneda del engaño is now crafted with Any Evil Bars y Chatarra de wulfrums instead of Any Copper Bars y Madera ácida.
    • Cooked Fish can no longer be crafted with Sea Minnow.
    • Abadón y Corona de plumas now use the Any Gold Crown recipe group instead of splitting into two recipes.
    • Reverted the recipe change for Magiluminescence, now requires 12 Crimtane Bars or Demonite Bars y 5 Topaz instead of 20 Crimtane Bars or Demonite Bars y 15 Topaz.
    • Pink Vase can now be crafted with 4 Astral Clay at a Furnace.
    • Plate can now be crafted with 2 Astral Clay at a Furnace.
    • Scorpio is now crafted at an Ancient Manipulator instead of a Hardmode Anvil.
    • Shadow Potion is now crafted at a Bottle instead of an Alchemy Table.
    • Snow Ruffian Chestplate now requires 2 Flinx Furs to craft.
    • Snow Ruffian Greaves now requires 1 Flinx Fur to craft.
    • Snow Ruffian Mask now requires 1 Flinx Fur to craft.
    • Teapot can now be crafted with 12 Astral Clay y 12 Bones at a Furnace.
    • Virid Vanguard now requires Terraprisma to craft.
    • Wandering Jingasa can now be crafted with 10 Astral Clay y 3 Fireflies at a Furnace.
    • Reduced crafting yield of Wulfrum Knife from 100 to 50.
    • Removed the Any Gold Ore recipe group.
    • Renamed the Any Silt recipe group to Any Silt Block.
    • Añadido automatic translation support for Any Copper Bar, Any Silver Bar, Any Gold Bar, Any Cobalt Bar, Any Mythril Bar, Any Adamantite Bar, Any Stone Block, Any Snow Block, Any Ice Block, Any Silt Block, Any Wooden Sword, Any Hallowed Helmet, Any Hallowed Platemail, Any Hallowed Greaves, Any Gold Crown, Any Mana Flower, y Any Tombstone recipe groups.
    • Reordered Flintlock Pistol to the top of Opal Striker's recipe.

    Renombrados (inglés)[editar | editar código]

    • Renombrado Abyssal Weapon a Weapon Imbue: Brimstone.
    • Renombrado Armor Crumbling a Weapon Imbue: Crumbling.
    • Renombrado Calamitas' Brew a Flask of Brimstone.
    • Renombrado Chaotic Brick a Ladrido de escoria.
    • Renombrado Chaotic Brick Wall a Scoria Brick Wall.
    • Renombrado Crumbling Potion a Flask of Crumbling.
    • Renombrado Wulfrum Pylon a Wulfrum Amplifier.

    Rediseños de sprites[editar | editar código]

    • Rediseñada la Lingote áurico.
    • Rediseñado el Altar of the Accursed.
    • Rediseñado el Grava abisal, Bloque de arena astral (solo colocador), Bloque de piedra astral, y bloques de escoria.
    • Rediseñados Abyss Gravel Wall, Pared de piedra astral, Pared de ladrillo cósmico.
    • Rediseñado las Zapatos de ángel.
    • Rediseñados: Avertor Bonus, Baguette (buff), Dragonfire, Flesh Ball (buff).
    • Rediseñados: Corpus Avertor, Darklight Greatsword, Gael's Greatsword, Halibut Cannon, Heavenly Gale, Phangasm, y Storm Ruler.
    • Rediseñado Gulper Eel.
    • Se actualizaron los retratos de la lista de verificación de jefes para Lluvia ácida nivel 1 y 3.
    • Volteado horizontalmente la Exo cama.

    Cambios adiciones (Resumen)[editar | editar código]

    • Las vasijas del Abismo y el Mar Sulfuro ahora sueltan 1 Tesoro Abisal y Tesoro Sulfúro respectivamente en lugar de 4.
    • Las antorchas del abismo ahora genera luz azul en lugar de blanca.
    • Los tesoros abisales ahora arrojan antorchas abisales en lugar de Spelunker Glowsticks.
    • Los Tesoros abisales y tesoros sulfuros ahora puede soltar Pociones de agujero de gusano en multijugador.
    • Soporte para el mod de Wikithis actualizado.
    • Entre otros muchos cambios más.

    Arreglos[editar | editar código]

    Juego[editar | editar código]

    • Se arregló una posición específica en la primera capa del Abismo que no contaba como el Abismo.
    • Se arregló que las antorchas del abysmo no se colocaba con la opción de cursor colocación automática.
    • Se arregló la posibilidad de que la Mesa de alquimia no consumiera ingredientes que no funcionaban correctamente en recetas de pociones que no sean Orbes de sangre.
    • Se arrreglando las tasas de drop para Ancient God Slayer Armor, Calamitous set, y Set of Calamity.
    • Se arregló que la Bufanda de gusano sangriento no aumentaba la velocidad cuerpo a cuerpo.
    • Se arregló que el debuff Confundido que no se aplicaba correctamente a los enemigos y jefes del Calamity.
    • Se arregló que el cohete dividido de Cosmic Viper Engine tenía un tipo de daño a distancia.
    • Se arreglaron bloqueos en servidores dedicados debido a controles globales.
    • Se arregló que la duración de la desventaja se redujera en el Modo Experto y Maestro, independientemente de si la opción de configuración Eliminar duraciones aumentadas de la desventaja está habilitada o no.
    • Corregido que Hexxed Branch no era dropeada en el Modo Venganza.
    • Corregido que los Mimicos y sus variantes de hielo dropeaban múltiples objetos del mismo objetos.
    • Corregido que el Dios Slime no dejaba caer su Bolsa del Tesoro en el modo multijugador.
    • Se ha arreglado que todas las bolsas de tesoros del Calamity no dejaban caer monedas y conjuntos de objetos de desarrolador del vanilla.

    Visual[editar | editar código]

    • Se corrigió que el botín de Lluvia ácida y Caña sorbedora apareciera dos veces en el Bestiario.
    • Se corrigió que la ubicación del Inodoro áurico se desplazara por encima del suelo.
    • Se corrigió una contradicción en la descripción de la Torre de Azufre
    • Se corrigió que el rayo de Deathstare Rod se dibujara de manera incorrecta en el modo multijugador.
    • Se solucionó un problema por el cual el jugador miraba de manera incorrecta cuando se sentaba en Exo silla o Exo retrete.
    • Se corrigió un error gramatical menor en la información sobre herramientas de Exoblade.
    • Se corrigió que la descripción de Hadarian Wings' no se ajustaba con las combinaciones de teclas del jugador.
    • Se corrigió que Piedra de otro mundo y Ladrillo de uelibloom no aplicaran texturas especiales sobre sus respectivos bloques colocados.
    • Se corrigió que el cuadro de descripción del Cristal de alma profano se expandiera.
    • Se corrigió que Sirius generara luz roja en lugar de azul.
    • Se re-estructuró la información sobre herramientas adicional de Wulfrum armor para evitar la ambigüedad.
    • Se corrigió un error gramatical menor en la descripción de Wulfrum Lure.

    Removals[editar | editar código]

    • Removed Magic Level Meter, Melee Level Meter, Ranged Level Meter, Rogue Level Meter, y Summon Level Meter.
    • Removed Proficiency y its respective configuration option.
    • Removed Spectre Rifle.
    • Removed Shattering Potion.
    • Removed Armor Shattering y Rusty Drone buffs.
    Versiones del Calamity Mod
    Calamity Logo.png Versiones principales • Music Box (Calamity Title).png Versiones con música