History:Work Benches

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Main article: Work Benches
  • Wulfrum Work Bench is now 2 tiles wide instead of 3.
    • Plagued Work Bench no longer uses 2 Plague Cell Canisters in its recipe.
    • Fixed Abyss Work Bench, Acidwood Work Bench, Ancient Work Bench, Ashen Work Bench, Cosmilite Work Bench, Exo Work Bench, Monolith Work Bench, and Otherworldly Work Bench's item names being overridden in Journey Mode's research tab.
  • Ancient Work Bench, Ashen Work Bench, Exo Work Bench, and Sacrilegious Work Bench now use the Rarity Level: 0 rarity.
    • Renamed "Wulfrum Workbench" to "Wulfrum Work Bench".
    • Wulfrum Work Bench now uses 10 Wulfrum Plating in its recipe instead of 10 Wulfrum Metal Scraps.
    • Changed the map icon color of Wulfrum Work Bench from #475F72 ● to #649964 ●.
  • Introduced Sacrilegious Work Bench.
    • Introduced Acidwood Work Bench and Exo Work Bench.
    • All Calamity Work Benches now share the same minimap icon names instead of being identical to their item names.
    • Otherworldly Work Bench now requires an Ancient Manipulator to craft instead of a Draedon's Forge.
    • Cosmilite Work Bench now requires a Cosmic Anvil to craft instead of a Draedon's Forge.
    • Resprited Statigel Work Bench, Stratus Work Bench, and Void Work Bench.
  • Renamed "Plagued Plate Work Bench" to "Plagued Work Bench".
    • Introduced Botanic, Eutrophic, Otherworldly, Plagued Plate, Silva, and Stratus Work Benches.
    • Renamed "Abyss Workbench" to "Abyss Work Bench".
    • Renamed "Ancient Workbench" to "Ancient Work Bench".
    • Renamed "Ashen Workbench" to "Ashen Work Bench".
    • Renamed "Cosmilite Workbench" to "Cosmilite Work Bench".
    • Renamed "Profaned Workbench" to "Profaned Work Bench".
    • Renamed "Statigel Workbench" to "Statigel Work Bench".
    • Renamed "Void Workbench" to "Void Work Bench".
    • Ancient and Ashen Workbenches now use the Rarity Level: 3 rarity instead of Rarity Level: 0.
    • Ancient Workbench can no longer be crafted with Ashen Workbench and Essences of Chaos at an Ashen Altar.
    • Ashen Workbench can no longer be crafted with Ancient Workbench and Unholy Cores at an Ancient Altar.
    • Resprited Cosmilite Workbench.
  • Introduced Abyss, Ancient, Ashen, Cosmilite, Profaned, Statigel, and Void Workbenches.