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Main article: Cnidarian
  • Nerfed damage from 11 to 8 and spark damage from 75% base damage to 50%, however, its range is now affected by Whip range modifiers.
    • Reworked:
      • No longer functions as a yoyo and instead causes the player to hold out a fishing rod. While deployed, an electric jellyfish hook, attached to a string, will follow the mouse cursor.
      • If an enemy is damaged by the hook, it causes active minions to target that enemy. Only one enemy can be targeted at a time.
      • Additionally, sparks will periodically fire from the jellyfish hook when swung.
      • It now does summon damage instead of melee damage.
    • Resprited it and projectile.
    • Nerfed damage from 18 to 11.
    • Yoyo projectile now grants enemies 20 local immunity frames instead of using standard immunity frames.
  • Added the line "A very agile yoyo" to its tooltip.
    • Buffed damage from 13 to 18, yoyo range from 11.875 tiles to 15, seashell projectile damage from 50% base damage to 75%, and nerfed air time from 7 seconds to 3.5.
    • The yoyo now moves and fires twice as fast.
  • Shells now deal 50% base damage instead of 33%.
    • Nerfed range from 14 tiles to 11.875.
    • The yoyo no longer retracts after 6 hits.
  • Now caps melee speed at 125% when held.