History:Sulphurous Grabber

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Main article: Sulphurous Grabber
    • Nerfed damage from 82 to 55 and bubble count from 7 to 3, but buffed bubble damage from 25% base damage to 50%, bubble spawn chance from 10% to 12.5%, and range from 21.875 tiles to 25. Bubbles now travel 25% faster but last 1 second instead of 2.
    • Nerfed powered yoyo's effective local immunity frames from 10 to 12, while the unpowered yoyo now grants 15 effective local immunity frames instead of 10 global immunity frames.
  • Yoyo projectile now grants 10 local immunity frames instead of standard immunity frames.
  • Increased yoyo range from 18.75 tiles to 21.875, decreased bubble projectile count from 9 to 7, increased bubble projectile damage from 20% base damage to 25%.