Краски для волос

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Краски для волос
  • Adrenaline Hair Dye.png Rage Hair Dye.png Stealth Hair Dye.png Wing Time Hair Dye.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
17 Средне
РедкостьКласс редкости: 2
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица

Hair Dyes are consumable items sold by the Stylist NPC. When used, they replace a player's hair color with a dynamic effect. The Calamity Mod currently adds four types of Hair Dyes to the game, all of which can be removed with the Hair Dye Remover.


See here for Hair Dye availability conditions.

Предмет Стоимость Продажа Эффект
Краска для волос цвета адреналинаКраска для волос цвета адреналина 7 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png 1 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png Hair color changes depending on the player's current Adrenaline Meter.
While the meter is empty, hair is normal, and fades slowly to green as the Adrenaline Meter is built up.
Краска для волос цвета яростиКраска для волос цвета ярости 7 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png 1 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png Hair color changes depending on the player's current Rage Meter.
While the meter is empty, hair is normal, and fades slowly to orange as the Rage Meter is built up.
Краска для волос цвета скрытностиКраска для волос цвета скрытности 5 Gold Coin.png 1 Gold Coin.png Hair color changes depending on the player's current rogue stealth.
While the meter is empty, hair is normal, and fades slowly to purple as stealth is built up.
Краска для волос цвета времени полётаКраска для волос цвета времени полёта 7 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png 1 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png Hair color changes depending on the player's remaining flight time.
While the player has full flight time, hair is blue, and shifts to normal after flight time is exhausted.


  • The Stealth Hair Dye's effect will only show if stealth invisibility is toggled off in the configuration options.


  • All hair dyes can be used as a secondary way to keep track of meters and the remaining duration of flight time.

См. также


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История:Краски для волос