Сержант Урса

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Сержант Урса
  • Ursa Sergeant.png
Stack digit 1.png
ОписаниеСнижает скорость передвижения на 15%
Даёт невосприимчивость к дебаффам «Астральная инфекция» и «Звериный укус»
Увеличивает регенерацию при низком здоровье
невосприимчивость к:
Астральная инфекция (дебафф)Звериный укус
РедкостьКласс редкости: 4
Продажа 2 Gold Coin.png 40 Silver Coin.png
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица

The Ursa Sergeant is a Hardmode accessory that is rarely fished up while in the Astral Infection biome. When equipped, the player becomes immune to the Astral Infection and Feral Bite debuffs, and gains 20 defense, but their movement speed is decreased by 15%.

In addition, the player’s life regeneration increases as their health lowers:

  • If they are below 50% life, life regen is increased by 1.
  • If they are below 25% life, life regen is increased by 2.
  • If they are below 15% life, life regen is increased by 3.

Интересные факты

  • This "Ursa" in this item's name refers to the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor constellations. Additionally, the item resembles a tardigrade, also known as a "water bear", and the Latin word "Ursa" means "bear". Tardigrades are known for their incredible resilience and slow speed, hence the item's functionality.
  • The "Sergeant" in this item's name refers to sergeant majors, a species of fish.


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История:Сержант Урса