Лучший ящик рыбацких снастей

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Лучший ящик рыбацких снастей
  • Supreme Bait Tackle Box Fishing Station.png
Stack digit 1.png
ОписаниеУвеличивает навык рыбной ловли на 80
Леска никогда не порвётся и снижает вероятность потребления приманки
Увеличивает шанс поймать ящики
Позволяет рыбачить в лаве
Эффект зелья сонара
Абсолютный рыболовный аксессуар
РедкостьКласс редкости: 4
Продажа 2 Gold Coin.png 40 Silver Coin.png
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица

The Supreme Bait Tackle Box Fishing Station is a craftable Hardmode accessory. When equipped, it provides the effects of the Lavaproof Tackle Bag, increases the player's fishing skill by 80, increases the chance to catch crates by 10% and grants the player the Sonar Potion effect.

When used in conjunction with the Enchanted Pearl and the Crate Potion, it also increases the chance to catch rare items.




  • The boosted chance to catch crates stacks with the Enchanted Pearl and Crate Potion.
  • This item's effects can stack with all of its equipable components.
  • This item is very useful for obtaining fishing-exclusive items.
    • However, all of the items obtained from fishing in the Sulphurous Sea or Abyss cannot be caught if your fishing power is above a certain value. Because this accessory provides such a massive boost to fishing power, it may not be ideal for obtaining these items.


  • Due to the combination of permanent potion effects and the sizable fishing power boost, this accessory is an extremely powerful fishing accessory which should be prioritized as soon as possible if the player plans to use the Fishing mechanic.


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История:Лучший ящик рыбацких снастей