Руководство обсуждения:Руководство:Стратегии по убийству Пожирателя богов

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Пожиратель богов
The Devourer of Gods.png
ТипБоссРоющий враг
запас здоровья
887,500 / 1,420,000 Режим Эксперта / 1,704,000 Режим Месть / 1,810,500 Режим Мастера / 2,172,600 Режим Месть Режим Мастера
Сопротивление к
100% шанс
ДлительностьБесконечно (Когда пассивен / синий фон)
ОписаниеДвижение деформировано
Экстремальная гравитацияЭкстремальная гравитация
100% шанс
ДлительностьБесконечно (Когда агрессивен / фиолетовый фон)
ОписаниеВремя полёта снижено на 25%
Бесконечный полёт отключён
Пожиратель боговФинальная фаза
The Devourer of Gods (Final Phase).png
ТипБоссРоющий враг
запас здоровья
532,500 / 887,500
852,000 / 1,420,000 Режим Эксперта
1,022,400 / 1,704,000 Режим Месть
1,278,000 / 1,810,500 Режим Мастера
1,533,600 / 2,172,600 Режим Месть Режим Мастера
Сопротивление к
100% шанс
ДлительностьБесконечно (Когда пассивен / синий фон)
ОписаниеДвижение деформировано
Экстремальная гравитацияЭкстремальная гравитация
100% шанс
ДлительностьБесконечно (Когда агрессивен / фиолетовый фон)
ОписаниеВремя полёта снижено на 25%
Бесконечный полёт отключён
Выпадаемые предметы
Монеты 6 Platinum Coin.png

The Devourer of Gods is a post-Moon Lord boss that is fought after the Rune of Kos bosses, Polterghast, and in some cases, The Old Duke. It is summoned using the Cosmic Worm anywhere, at any time.

This guide will mention Expert Mode and Revengeance Mode exclusive accessories with no special formatting and will follow the intended progression.

Terrain Preparation

A long sky arena with 2 platforms, 3 for extra care, spaced about 30 blocks apart works for the Devourer, as this will make its multitude of attacks easier to dodge.

Gearing Up


  • Bloodflare armor is the preferred choice for all classes.
  • Omega Blue armor is an offense-focused armor set that can deal lots of damage for some classes, at the cost of low defensive stats.
  • Prismatic armor is a very good option for mages, due to its great offensive strength.


  • Elysian Wings or Tarragon Wings are the preferred choice for this fight.
  • The Absorber is a good accessory for its defensive and mobility boosts.
  • The Affliction provides substantial boosts to both offensive and defensive stats.
  • The Ambrosial Ampoule is extremely useful for its additional life and regenerative stats, and makes the damage-over-time effect from the boss much less deadly.
  • The Angel Treads and Ascendant Insignia provide excellent mobility increases.
  • The Community is a powerful item for its scaling stats.
  • The Deific Amulet gives a large boost to immunity frames, which increases as the player's health decreases.
  • The Elysian Aegis provides various defensive boosts, as well as a dash that allows players to ram through the Devourer without taking damage.
  • Melee players can make use of the Badge of Bravery and Fire Gauntlet for great boosts to damage and melee speed.
  • Ranged players can boost their damage with the Deadshot Brooch and Recon Scope.
  • Magic users will make great use of the Arcane Flower and Sigil of Calamitas.
  • Summoners should use Statis' Curse along with the Star-Tainted Generator for their boosts to minion damage and minion slots.
    • The Profaned Soul Artifact is another option worth considering for its guardians that offer various boosts.
    • Additionally, the Phantomic Artifact provides various defensive and offensive benefits on minion hits.
  • Rogues will find the Blunder Booster, Dark Matter Sheath, and Vampiric Talisman useful.
    • Stealth-based rogues will get significant value out of the Abyssal Mirror and Electrician's Glove.
    • Rogues who instead choose to forgo stealth may prefer the Glove of Recklessness instead.



  • The Lion Heart is an excellent option, if the player is comfortable with its short range.
  • The Insidious Impaler, although difficult to use, is an extremely powerful weapon that can stick to the Devourer and deal massive DPS.
  • The Terror Blade's AoE effect can be useful against the Cosmic Guardians, as well as against the Devourer itself.
  • The Void Edge is a more consistent option due to its homing projectiles.


  • The Corinth Prime's right-click attack will obliterate the Devourer.
  • The Fetid Emesis is a solid choice, and should be paired with Luminite Bullets.
  • Halley's Inferno is another powerful option, especially when the Devourer is lined up properly.
  • The Sulphuric Acid Cannon is a decent option for its relatively high DPS, as well as homing.


  • The Vitriolic Viper is a great option.
  • The Phantasmal Fury has great DPS and ease of use.
  • The Dark Spark works incredibly well, making it easy to land head hits and deal massive damage, but can easily burn through mana.
  • The Eidolon Staff is a strong option, but can cause poor performance due to the high amount of projectiles.
  • The Shadowbolt Staff's is another strong piercing option, and uses less mana than other options.
  • The Viscera has good pierce and lifesteal.


  • The Kaleidoscope is the optimal whip for this fight.
  • The Dazzling Stabber Staff can destroy this boss quickly.
  • The Ethereal Subjugator does very consistent damage, especially when targeting the tail.
  • Using sentries like the Cadaverous Carrion can deal good additional background damage.


  • The Old Reaper is a powerful option, but due to its low drop rate, it can be tedious to obtain.
  • The Sealed Singularity can deal high amounts of DPS when not using stealth strikes.


  • The Well Fed buff and its upgrades provide useful all around stat boosts.
  • The Soaring buff is useful for counteracting the Extreme Gravity debuff's effect on flight time.
    • This buff synergizes well with true melee users.
  • If you intend to fight the boss near space, Gravity Normalizer Potions are recommended.
  • Keeping the mini map open can help with dodging, especially when it is in its aggressive phase.
  • The Relic of Convergence can be used effectively when the boss is far away during phase 1, or when it is transitioning to phase 2, as these are relatively safe moments when mobility is not a need.

The Fight

Phase 1

Once summoned, the Devourer will initially start in its "passive" phase. This phase is indicated by the sky turning blue and the Warped debuff being inflicted on the player, which exaggerates vertical movements. The Devourer will behave much like a Crawltipede in this phase, flying and circling the player in the air. The player must take care to not fly too high in this phase, otherwise the Devourer will quickly ram them, and it will be difficult to get back onto the platform due to the debuff. Running in one direction works for this phase.

The passive phase will initially last for 15 seconds, with its length decreasing as the Devourer loses health.

After this passes, The Devourer will enter its "aggressive" phase, indicated by the sky turning purple and the Extreme Gravity debuff being inflicted, disabling infinite flight and cutting flight time substantially. It will descend to the ground, and charge at the player regardless of height. The Devourer cannot fly in this phase but will gain more speed. Keep running in the opposite direction from the Devourer and it will usually fly below your platform. If it manages to get on your platform, fly to the higher layer, and it will stay in the lower platforms. It is advised to change directions as this happens.

The Devourer will switch between these phases throughout the fight. It is also important to note that the Devourer gains more speed at the fight progresses.

At 90% health, the Devourer will begin spawning barrages of lasers telegraphed by lines, in patterns shaped like an X. Laser barrages cycle between coming from the left, the right, the left and right, and all four cardinal directions at once. The best way to dodge these is to move diagonally after the telegraph occurs.

In Revengeance Mode, the Devourer can summon Cosmic Guardians to attack the player. It happens twice in this phase: The Devourer will summon one Guardian at 90% health, and two at 68% health. It is recommended that the player saves Rage and Adrenaline for the Guardians, as they can become a distraction from the actual Devourer. Keep in mind that Adrenaline is reduced to 0 anytime the player gets hit, so be careful when holding it.

In Death Mode, the sky will remain pitch black, making it more difficult to determine the phase; the Devourer will be at maximum speed regardless of health; and the head segment will instantly kill the player on hit. To determine the phase, watch which debuff you currently have. Since the Devourer moves at its max speed throughout the fight, it is especially important that the player remains on the move, as the head becomes one of the biggest threats.

Once the Devourer reaches 60% HP, it will enter a portal and disappear, delaying the start of phase 2.

Phase 2

Immediately at the beginning of the second phase, the Devourer will appear from a portal and attempt to charge the player based on the way the player is moving. It is important to be aware of this and be prepared to get out of the way quickly to avoid taking extreme damage from the Devourer's Head segment.

The Devourer maintains its passive and aggressive phases in its second form; however, it is important to note that the Devourer becomes increasingly aggressive as its health depletes and can charge the player in its passive phase even when they are grounded, especially in the tail end of the fight.

The Devourer will gain a new attack below 45% health. It can turn partially invisible and creates two back-to-back instances of laser grids, with openings for the player to avoid damage. This lasts for 15 seconds and will occur every 12 seconds afterwards until the Devourer hits 30% health. Keep in mind that the player will not take contact damage from the Devourer while this happens. Stop moving and observe the telegraphs, then move to the open spaces. An easy way to dodge the lasers is to mount the Brimrose or the Cosmic Car Key, allowing the player to hover midair and move to gaps in the lasers with more control. Another option is to attempt to quickly move through an appropriately sized gap in the laser walls coming from one direction as soon as they appear, removing the necessity of dodging lasers coming from many directions at once, though this can take some practice.

If you find yourself struggling to avoid damage from the laser grid, another viable tactic is to teleport far away using a Shellphone (or any of its variants) as soon as you see the grid, wait a moment for the second grid to appear, and then teleport back. However, be prepared to dodge a few residual projectiles when teleporting back to the arena and also be prepared for the boss to respawn out of a portal and fire projectiles at you as soon as it spawns. Fighting it over the ocean is a decent setting for this tactic as you can just set the Shellphone to teleport between the two oceans.

Once the Devourer drops below 18% health, it will summon 3 Cosmic Guardians and will gain a massive speed boost. The Devourer will begin charging erratically in this phase, and it is important to constantly move around while the Devourer is on its last stretch of life. Be sure to take care of the Guardians, too.

In Revengeance Mode, the Devourer will gain the ability to spit God Slayer Fireballs at the player, which deal massive damage and inflict the God Slayer Inferno debuff. It is important that these be avoided, as the damage and debuff will be detrimental to the player. The rate at which fireballs are fired slows at 10% health. It will also gain the ability to teleport close to the player once a laser wall ends, or if the player strays too far from the Devourer. The Devourer will not deal damage for a few moments after it teleports, however.

In Death Mode, it changes between its passive and aggressive phases more often. Care must be taken in the tail end of the fight in this mode, as the Devourer's erratic movements can cost the player if they are not careful, as the head is the biggest threat in this phase. Flying up and dashing out of the way of its head will work. The Slimy Saddle or the Suspicious Looking Jelly Bean can be used too if the player dismounts before they hit the ground.

Saving Rage and/or Adrenaline for the last 18% of its health will help deal with the Guardians and end the fight quickly.

General Tips

  • Target the head and tail when possible, as the body segments have immense damage reduction. Some piercing weapons can still do high damage on the body segments.
  • The Normality Relocator can be a lifesaver for its instant teleportation.
    • Its fall velocity boost can be used to get grounded during the passive phase.
    • It can also save you from trouble if the Devourer has encircled you, especially if you are in the air.
  • Bloodfins are a good alternative to Supreme Healing Potions for its multitude of regenerative benefits, especially against debuffs.
  • The Bobbit Hook can be useful as a getaway tool because of its fast retraction time.
  • The Relic of Deliverance can be very helpful in this fight. It can be used to quickly land during the passive phase; get around the Devourer with its 3 very sharp turns per lunge, or can even kite the boss when charged enough due to its extreme speed, giving the player time to regenerate HP. Do note that you cannot attack with other weapons while using the Relic, and a lunge cannot be canceled unless you hit a solid block. Additionally, it may be difficult to avoid the second phase's laser walls while using the Relic.
  • In Revengeance Mode, the Cosmic Guardians can easily be taken out by explosive and piercing weapons, such as Blissful Bombardier or Banshee Hook, due to their ability to damage multiple segments at once.
  • The Devourer of Gods' body does not deal contact damage when transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2.
    • This transition time is a good time to stand still and regenerate more health.

en:Guide:The Devourer of Gods strategies