Астральный маяк

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Астральный маяк
  • Astral Beacon.png
  • Astral Beacon (placed).png
Непрерывная атака
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
  • Pickaxe icon.png 200%
РазмещаемыйTango Tick1.png
Размеры5 ширина × 4 высота
15 Средне
ОписаниеПризывает Аструм Деуса в обмен на особые подношения
Цвет на карте#80809E ●
РедкостьКласс редкости: 9
ПродажаНет стоимости
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица
Выпускаемый снаряд
Deus Ritual Drama
Deus Ritual Drama

The Astral Beacon is a Hardmode furniture item that can be crafted or found naturally on a pillar of Astral Monolith after the Astral Infection has generated. When right-clicked during the night, it is used to summon Astrum Deus while a Titan Heart or Starcore is in the player's inventory. Upon successfully summoning the boss, one Titan Heart is removed from the player's inventory if the player does not have a Starcore, and two stars rise up from the beacon, summoning Astrum Deus shortly after. If used during the day, the player is given a status message "The god of the stars rejects your offering. The ritual can only be performed at night."




  • Astral Beacons cannot be destroyed by explosives.
  • Astral Beacons can be highlighted by the Spelunker Potion effect.
  • If a meteorite hits the Astral Beacon, it may be destroyed, and the player will have to craft another.


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История:Астральный маяк