Орхидея Ромаджеда

Материал из Calamity Mod Wiki
(перенаправлено с «Кендра (бафф)»)
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Cosmic Plushie.png
Cosmic Plushie.png
Этот предмет посвящён: LordMetarex
Орхидея Ромаджеда
  • Romajeda Orchid.png
Stack digit 1.png
ТипПризываемый питомецМатериал для создания
19 Средне
ОписаниеПризывает никогда не забываемого друга
Даёт баффКендра (бафф)Кендра
ОписаниеВас сопровождает верный друг
РедкостьКласс редкости: 5
Покупка / Продажа40 Gold Coin /  8 Gold Coin.png
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица
Kendra (flying).gif
Летающий спрайт
Призывает питомца

The Romajeda Orchid is a pet summoning item that is sold by the Dryad for 40 Gold Coin. It summons a dog named Kendra to follow the player. When the player is idle, Kendra will either waggle its tail, yawn or bark to alert the player. If the player moves too fast, Kendra will use a pair of black dragon wings to fly toward them.


Используется при создании

Интересные факты

  • This item is based on LordMetarex's real pet dog, Kendra. Kendra sadly died on the 31st of December 2018, hence this item's depiction of her as a "never forgotten friend".
  • The term "Romajeda" was used due to the dog breed of Kendra being called "the Romajeda", thus Kendra's full name would be "Kendra the Romajeda"
    • The white Orchid is used for Kendra's memorial, which stands for "real love", "pure", "dignity", "elegance", "beauty", etc.
  • The buff icon resembles a pixel art photo of Kendra. The normal photo is used as the ":ono:" emoticon in the Calamity Discord.
  • There were multiple barking sounds considered for Kendra, but LordMetarex decided his mother would choose which one was to be used, considering she spends the most time with her.
  • The reason Kendra has dragon wings is because of LordMetarex's fondness of dragons, while it was also used to differentiate Kendra from Bear, who uses a pair of angelic wings.
    • Another potential reason for the wings is if you were to swap the two syllables of the name "Kendra" ("ken" and "dra"), the result would be "Draken" - the Dutch translation of "dragons", considering LordMetarex is from the Netherlands.


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История:Орхидея Ромаджеда