Status messages

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Status messages are messages that are sent into the chat to inform the player of changes within the world, boss actions, or mode activation. They also serve as a means for bosses to communicate with the player.


Message Trigger Effect Color
"The depths of the underground desert are rumbling..." Desert Scourge is defeated for the first time. Prism-Backs will begin to drop Prism Shards and Ghost Bells will begin to drop the Voltaic Jelly. In addition to this, the Giant Clam miniboss will begin spawning #7FFFD4 ●
"The desert wind is blowing furiously!" Desert Scourge is defeated for the first time. Sandstorms may now occur in Pre-Hardmode. #EEE8AA ●
"The sky is glittering with cyan light." Hive Mind/Perforators are defeated for the first time. Disenchanted Aerialite Ore converts into Aerialite Ore. #00FFFF ●
"The First Dryad's vines deem you worthy of their abyssal treasures." Skeletron is defeated for the first time. Ancient Treasure Chests in the Abyss can now be opened. #4CB54C ●
"The Sunken Sea trembles..." Wall of Flesh is defeated for the first time. The Sunken Sea enemies are buffed, new enemies spawn and Giant Clam gains new drops. #7FFFD4 ●
"A star has fallen from the heavens!" Wall of Flesh is defeated for the first time. Immediately plays the sound of the Astral Infection meteor crashing. An Astral Infection has crashed into the world. #FFD700 ●
"The ice caves are crackling with frigid energy." Cryogen is defeated for the first time. Cryonic Ore generates in the world. #87CEFA ●
"The sulphuric sky darkens..." Aquatic Scourge is defeated for the first time. Immediately plays the roar of a Mauler. The second tier of the Acid Rain is now unlocked. #73C293 ●
"The hallow has been blessed with consecrated stone!" All three Mechanical Bosses have been defeated for the first time. Hallowed Ore generates in the underground Hallow. #32FF82 ●
"The Sulphurous Sea's depths are trembling." Leviathan and Anahita is defeated for the first time. Immediately plays the roar of an Eidolon Wyrm. Enemies in the Abyss will begin dropping Depth Cells and Lumenyl. #4169E1 ●
"Energized plant matter has formed in the underground." Plantera is defeated for the first time. Perennial Ore generates in the world. #ADFF2F ●
"The desert sand shifts intensely!" Plantera is defeated for the first time. The Great Sand Shark can now spawn. #DAA520 ●
"The astral enemies have been empowered!" Astrum Aureus is defeated for the first time. Astral Infection enemies are buffed and drop new items. #FFD700 ●
"A faint ethereal click can be heard from the dungeon." Astrum Aureus is defeated for the first time. The Astral Chest is unlocked.
"A plague has befallen the Jungle." Golem is defeated for the first time. Immediately plays a sound of the Plague breaking out. Several plague related enemies begin spawning in the Jungle. #00FF00 ●
"The seal of the stars has been broken! You can now mine Astral Ore." Astrum Deus is defeated for the first time. Astral Ore can now be broken. #FFD700 ●
"The profaned flame blazes fiercely!" Moon Lord is defeated for the first time. Scorn Eaters, Impious Immolators, and Profaned Energies begin spawning in The Hallow and The Underworld. #FFA500 ●
"A cold and dark energy has materialized in space." Moon Lord is defeated for the first time. Planetoids made of Exodium Clusters and Luminite generate in the world. #D3D3D3 ●
"Shrieks are echoing from the dungeon..." Moon Lord is defeated for the first time. The Dungeon becomes much more difficult and Phantom Spirits begin spawning. #00FFFF ●
"The calamitous beings have been inundated with bloodstone." Providence, the Profaned Goddess is defeated for the first time. Ravager and Brimstone Crag enemies are buffed and begin dropping Bloodstone. #FFA500 ●
"Fossilized tree bark is bursting through the jungle's mud." Providence, the Profaned Goddess is defeated for the first time. Uelibloom Ore generates in the world. #90EE90 ●
"The abyssal spirits have been disturbed." Polterghast is defeated for the first time. Immediately plays the roar of a Reaper Shark. Several Abyss enemies gain new drops. #4169E1 ●
"The souls released stir the acidic storms..." Polterghast is defeated for the first time. The third and final tier of the Acid Rain is now unlocked. #73C293 ●
"A boomer awaits." 5% chance on April Fools Day (100% chance in Get fixed boi worlds) when Polterghast is defeated for the first time. The third and final tier of the Acid Rain is now unlocked, do note that this overrides the normal message.
"The harvest moon glows eerily." The Devourer of Gods is defeated for the first time. The Pumpkin Moon becomes much more difficult and enemies begin dropping Nightmare Fuel. #FFA500 ●
"The frigid moon shimmers brightly." The Devourer of Gods is defeated for the first time. The Frost Moon becomes much more difficult and enemies begin dropping Endothermic Energy. #00FFFF ●
"The dark sun awaits." The Devourer of Gods is defeated for the first time. Solar Eclipses become much more difficult and enemies begin dropping Darksun Fragments. #FFFF00 ●
"Ancient draconic power manifests in the caverns, lacing itself through the rock." Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth is defeated for the first time. Auric Ore generates in the world. #FFD700 ●


Message Trigger Effect Color
"The Slime God flees to fight another day..." When The Slime God is defeated the first time. No effect. #FF00FF ●
"Cryogen is derping out!" 1% chance (5% on April Fool's Day), when Cryogen enters phase 6. No effect. #00FFFF ●
"Rise again, my siblings." Calamitas Clone reaches 40% health. Catastrophic Construct and Cataclysmic Construct spawn. #FFA500 ●
"Impressive child, most impressive..." Calamitas Clone reaches 35% health. Soul Seekers spawn around Calamitas Clone.
"Something stirs in the warm desert sands..." A fourth Sand Shark is killed after defeating Plantera. The Great Sand Shark will spawn after six more Sand Shark kills. #B8860B ●
"An enormous apex predator approaches..." An eighth Sand Shark is killed after defeating Plantera. The Great Sand Shark will spawn after two more Sand Shark kills.
"PLAGUE NUKE BARRAGE ARMED, PREPARING FOR LAUNCH!!!" The Plaguebringer Goliath reaches 50% health. The Plaguebringer Goliath can now use her Plague Nuke Barrage attack. #00FF00 ●
"The god of the stars rejects your offering. The ritual can only be performed at night." A Titan Heart or Starcore was used on the Astral Beacon during the day. Dialogue, no effect. #ED5D53 ●
"Holy flames burn away at your wings..." Providence, the Profaned Goddess finishes her Cocoon Star attack. Players are inflicted with Icarus' Folly. #FFA500 ●
"The Profaned Goddess has recognised your devotion to purity!" Providence, the Profaned Goddess is defeated in singleplayer, with the player using only the Profaned Soul Artifact and Golden Gun. The Profaned Soul Crystal is dropped. #FF8C00 ●
"Wails echo through the dilapidated dungeon halls..." A tenth Phantom Spirit is killed if Polterghast is not yet defeated. Polterghast will spawn after twenty more Phantom Spirit kills. #00FFFF ●
"Long-dead prisoners seek their zealous revenge..." A twentieth Phantom Spirit is killed if Polterghast is not yet defeated. Polterghast will spawn after ten more Phantom Spirit kills.
"You are no god...but I shall feast upon your essence regardless!" The Devourer of Gods spawns. Dialogue, no effect.
"Don't get cocky!" The Devourer of Gods reaches 75% health. In Revengeance Mode, summons two Cosmic Guardians.
"It's not over yet!" The Devourer of Gods returns in its final phase. Dialogue, no effect.
"A GOD DOES NOT FEAR DEATH!" The Devourer of Gods reaches 20% health. Teleports and summons three Cosmic Guardians.
"The air is getting warmer around you." Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth reaches 55% health. Yharon enters his second phase. #FFA500 ●

Draedon and Exo Mechs

Message Trigger Effect Color
"I have waited long for this moment." Draedon spawns for the first time. Dialogue, no effect. #9BFFFF ●
"Your nature fascinates me, for I do not understand it." Draedon spawns for the first time. Dialogue, no effect.
"You will battle my creations which have surpassed gods." Draedon spawns for the first time. Dialogue, no effect.
"And you will prove your disposition in battle." Draedon spawns for the first time. Dialogue, no effect.
"Now, choose." Draedon spawns for the first time. A UI appears allowing the player to choose the first Exo Mech spawned. #D5040B ●
"Make your choice." Draedon spawns after being spawned previously. A UI appears allowing the player to choose the first Exo Mech spawned.
"Make your choice. You have 20 seconds." Draedon spawns in Boss Rush A UI appears allowing the player to choose the first Exo Mech spawned.
"Designs improved with time and knowledge are the essence of my work." The first Exo Mech reaches 70% health. The first Exo Mech disappears, and the other two Exo Mechs spawn. #9BFFFF ●
"Through no other method can I approach perfection." The first Exo Mech reaches 70% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"Your performance falls neatly within the margin of error." A second Exo Mech reaches 70% health. The first Exo Mech reappears, and all three Exo Mechs attack at once.
"That is quite satisfactory. We will proceed to the next phase of testing." A second Exo Mech reaches 70% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"Ever since I was alerted to your presence, I have been processing your battles in order to make my machines stronger." One of the Exo Mechs reaches 40% health. The other two Exo Mechs disappear, and the remaining Exo Mech is berserked.
"Even now, I monitor your actions. Nothing should escape the bounds of my calculations." One of the Exo Mechs reaches 40% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"Curious. Very curious." The first Exo Mech is defeated. The Exo Mech with the higher remaining health reappears on its own.
"Your progress steadily against more difficult challenges." The first Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"Your nature remains unknown to me. This will not do." A second Exo Mech reaches 40% health. The other Exo Mech disappears, and the remaining Exo Mech is berserked.
"...I sought perfection. Fate must have favored irony, for that must have been my first mistake." A second Exo Mech reaches 40% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"Absurd." A second Exo Mech is defeated. The final Exo Mech reappears, berserked and notably faster.
"I will no longer let my calculations impede my observation of this battle." A second Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"I will show you the full fury of my final machine." A second Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"How foolish. You cannot escape." Attempting to escape Ares' Exo Overload Beam attack. Ares becomes enraged.
"An unknown factor - a catalyst is what you are." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"Nearly as alien as I, to this land and its history." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Draedon becomes vulnerable.
"...Excuse my introspection. I must gather my thoughts after watching that display." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"This land has become stale and stiff with blood that has been spilled until now." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"You too have spilled blood, but it may be enough to usher in a new age... Of what, I do not know. But it is something I am eager to see." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"Now, you wish to reach the Tyrant. I cannot assist you in that." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"It is not a matter of spite, for I would wish nothing more than to observe such a conflict." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"But you have managed before. You will find a way eventually." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Dialogue, no effect.
"I must acknowledge your triumph, but I will now return to my machinery." The final Exo Mech is defeated. Draedon disappears.
"...Quite unnecessary." Draedon is attacked during his closing monologue. Draedon reappears as an invulnerable hologram.

Supreme Witch, Calamitas

Message Trigger Effect Color
"Do you enjoy going through hell?" Supreme Witch, Calamitas spawns before defeating her prior. The first bullet hell occurs. #FFA500 ●
"You should have just died..." The first bullet hell ends. Sepulcher spawns.
"It wasn't too long ago you barely managed to defeat my doppelganger. Quite the failure, wasn't it?" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 75% health. The second bullet hell occurs.
"You've harnessed great power, but you wield it for no one but yourself." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 50% health. The third bullet hell occurs.
"Would you like to meet my family? Horrible, isn't it?" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 45% health. Catastrophe and Cataclysm spawn.
"You will suffer greatly." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 40% health. Supreme Witch, Calamitas enters her second phase.
"It's absurd to even think of trying to get away. As long as you live, you will suffer." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 30% health. The fourth bullet hell occurs.
"An upstart who recklessly stole and killed their way to power. I wonder, who does that remind me of...?" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 20% health. Soul Seekers spawn in a large, spinning ring.
"You have no stake in this battle. No one gave you any say in this matter!" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 10% health. The final bullet hell occurs.
"Once the dust has settled and only one remains, if it is you, what value will this have had?!" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 8% health. Sepulcher respawns.
"Just stop!" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"I have no future if I lose here." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"Once you have bested me, you will only have one path forward." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"And that path... also has no future." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"Even if he has thrown all else away, his power remains." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 1% health. Supreme Witch, Calamitas stops attacking and becomes immobile and invulnerable.
"I have no more energy left to resent him, or you..." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 1% health. Dialogue, no effect.
"It will all be in your hands now." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 1% health. Supreme Witch, Calamitas concedes and gives up after 5 more seconds have passed by.
"If you're looking for some fourth-degree burns, you've got the right person." Supreme Witch, Calamitas spawn after having defeated her previously. The first bullet hell occurs.
"When the time comes, would you like to join my creation?" The first bullet hell ends after defeating her previously. Sepulcher spawns.
"You'll still have to work hard for this victory." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 75% health after defeating her previously. The second bullet hell occurs.
"I haven't had such an interesting target dummy to test my magic on in a long time." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 50% health after defeating her previously. The third bullet hell occurs.
"Empty shells of their former selves. I doubt even a scrap of their spirits remain." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 45% health after defeating her previously. Catastrophe and Cataclysm spawn.
"Here we go again." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 40% health after defeating her previously. Supreme Witch, Calamitas enters her second phase.
"I wonder if you've seen these in your nightmares since our first battle?" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 30% health after defeating her previously. The fourth bullet hell occurs.
"Your skill hasn't faltered in the least." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 20% health after defeating her previously. Soul Seekers spawn in a large, spinning ring.
"Isn't this exciting?" Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 10% health after defeating her previously. The final bullet hell occurs.
"Here comes the crawling tomb, one last time." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches 8% health after defeating her previously. Sepulcher spawns.
"A terrific display, I concede this match to you." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health after defeating her previously. Supreme Witch, Calamitas stops attacking and becomes immobile and invulnerable.
"No doubt you will face enemies stronger than I." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health after defeating her previously. Dialogue, no effect.
"I trust you will not make the same mistakes he did." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health after defeating her previously. Dialogue, no effect.
"I can't imagine what your future holds now." Supreme Witch, Calamitas reaches less than 5% health after defeating her previously. Supreme Witch, Calamitas concedes and gives up after 5 more seconds have passed by.

Despawn messages

The following messages will only appear if the Boss Checklist mod is installed and enabled, Boss Despawn Messages is set to "Unique" in the config (otherwise it will say "<Boss> has killed every player!"), and when a boss or miniboss has killed all players and despawned. Each boss or miniboss has their own corresponding message.

Message Boss / Mini Boss color
"The scourge of the desert delves back into the sand." Desert Scourge #EEE8AA ●
"The Giant Clam returns hiding in its grotto." Giant Clam #7FFFD4 ●
"The monstrous mycelial crab shuffles away..." Crabulon #6495ED ●
"The Hive Mind flits away to brood elsewhere." The Hive Mind #9400D3 ●
"The Perforators search for more hosts to gorge themselves on." The Perforators #DC143C ●
"The grimy, gelatinous God hops away, its vengeance achieved." The Slime God #BA5533 ●
"Cryogen disappears amidst the biting winds of the blizzard." Cryogen #00FFFF ●
"The poisoned scourge swims back to the tranquil, open ocean." Aquatic Scourge #F0E68C ●
"The elemental ever maintains her somber vigil over Azafure..." Brimstone Elemental #DC143C ●
"The clone spits a bit of blood in disappointment and vanishes." Calamitas Clone #FFA500 ●
"The apex predator of the sands disappears between the dunes." Great Sand Shark #DAA520 ●
"The aquatic outcasts return to their lonesome company." Leviathan and Anahita #7FFFD4 ●
"Aureus has neutralized all threats. Resume prior reconnaissance." Astrum Aureus #FFD700 ●
"The Ravager resumes its aimless, horrific rampage." Ravager #B22222 ●
"The infected deity retreats to the heavens." Astrum Deus #FFD700 ●
"The Guardians are recalled to their Goddess' side." Profaned Guardians #FFA500 ●
"The folly returns to its secluded roost." The Dragonfolly #FFD700 ●
"The Profaned Goddess veils herself in purifying flame, leaving only ashes behind..." Providence, the Profaned Goddess #FFA500 ●
"The ancient spatial rift slips away to places unknown." Ceaseless Void #4B0082 ●
"Storm Weaver hides itself within the fierce anvilhead clouds." Storm Weaver #EE82EE ●
"Signus inexplicably ceases to be where he once was." Signus #BA55D3 ●
"The volatile phantasm disperses in an echoing wail." Polterghast #B0E0E6 ●
"The brutish shark looks elsewhere to turn its aggression." Mauler #F0E68C ●
"The radioactive aberration fades away in a sickly light." Nuclear Terror #F0E68C ●
"The old duke retreats further into the acidic downpour." The Old Duke #F0E68C ●
"The Devourer of Gods haughtily returns to the depths of the Distortion." The Devourer of Gods #00FFFF ●
"Yharon soars out of sight, his task fulfilled." Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth #FFA500 ●
"An imperfection after all... what a shame." Exo Mechs #7FFFD4 ●
"The Witch vanishes, leaving nothing but stifling heat in her wake." Supreme Witch, Calamitas #FFA500 ●
"..." Primordial Wyrm #7FFFD4 ●


Message Trigger Effect Color
"A toxic downpour falls over the wasteland seas!" A Caustic Tear is used, or naturally occurs after the Eye of Cthulhu is defeated. The Acid Rain begins. #73C293 ●
"The sulphuric skies begin to clear..." After Acid Rain is completed or the player doesn't kill any enemies within four minutes. The Acid Rain ends.

Boss Rush

Message Trigger Effect Color
"...How long has it been? Centuries? Perhaps even a millennia?" [sic]
"I sank this artifact of mine to the deepest depths of the world to prevent it from being used ever again."
"Few are aware of its existence, and those who are?"
"They know that the boundless power it was once able to provide can no longer be taken advantage of."
"It is a surprise to see there is another who is courageous enough to have retrieved it, particularly given these circumstances."
"A mortal this time, no less! How interesting..."
"What exactly is it that made you go out of your way to claim what is now nothing more than a decaying stone tablet?"
"...Perhaps this is an opportunity. Claiming this relic is no small feat, and I have caught brief glimpses of your journey."
"You, who claimed this artifact that ended an era on your quest to end another..."
Upon starting the Boss Rush for the first time. Dialogue, no effect. #FAD54D ●
"Who slew the nameless serpent..." Upon starting the Boss Rush for the first time, if The Devourer of Gods is defeated prior. Dialogue, no effect.
"Who bested even my old friend, the Phoenix..." Upon starting the Boss Rush for the first time, if Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth is defeated prior. Dialogue, no effect.
"Whose power may match the only mortal who has ever made me doubt my own..." Upon starting the Boss Rush for the first time, if both the Exo Mechs and Supreme Witch, Calamitas is defeated prior. Dialogue, no effect.
"I wish to test your strength, using fragments of my Primordial Light taking the form of your past foes."
"It will be no easy task, yet should you prove yourself strong enough, I will have a proposal for you."
Upon starting the Boss Rush for the first time, continuation. Dialogue, no effect.
"Do you believe yourself capable of conquering such a challenge?" Upon starting the Boss Rush for the first time, continuation. King Slime summons after a few seconds.
"Do you wish to face my challenge?" Upon starting the Boss Rush on subsequent attempts King Slime summons after a few seconds.
"A passable display so far, but not nearly enough to meet my expectations." Upon defeating Wall of Flesh during Boss Rush. Dialogue, no effect.
"Prepare both your body and soul for what has yet to come." Upon defeating Wall of Flesh during Boss Rush, continuation. Queen Slime summons after a few seconds.
"I wasn't mistaken. You are indeed an admirable warrior." Upon defeating Plantera during Boss Rush. Dialogue, no effect.
"Still, you haven't shown me enough. Shall we escalate things further?" Upon defeating Plantera during Boss Rush, continuation. Leviathan and Anahita summons after a few seconds.
"Your determination and will to grow stronger... It reminds me of myself, when I was mortal." Upon defeating Moon Lord during Boss Rush. Dialogue, no effect.
"But the hardest challenges still await. Do not let your guard down, even for a moment." Upon defeating Moon Lord during Boss Rush, continuation. Profaned Guardians summons after a few seconds.
"The trial will soon reach its climax."
"Now is the time to display your conviction, and the true extent of your strength and will."
Upon defeating The Devourer of Gods during Boss Rush. Dialogue, no effect.
"Prove to me that you are capable of surpassing even yourself." Upon defeating The Devourer of Gods during Boss Rush, continuation. Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth summons after a few seconds.
"A truly excellent display. I see that I was correct! You indeed may be this world's mightiest warrior. However..." Upon completing the Boss Rush for the first time. The player receives the Rock.
"It seems as though even that power... it is not enough. I'm afraid I will not be sharing my proposal with you."
"Though, as a consolation prize, I wish for you to take this ancient stone I carved from the Aerie."
"I have long held it as a... keepsake, of sorts."
"Though you may have failed to meet my requirements, it is unlikely that this will be the only time our paths cross!"
"Continue to seek greater strength, and when we meet again, perhaps you will have grown enough in power to be worthy."
"In the meantime, I have my own matters that I must attend to."
"Farewell, for now."
Upon completing the Boss Rush for the first time, continuation. Dialogue, no effect.
"You have proven yourself to be a formidable warrior, yet it is not enough. Seek new heights of power, so that you may one day be worthy." Upon completing the Boss Rush on subsequent attempts. The player receives the Rock.

Difficulty Modes

Message Trigger Effect Color
"Death is active; enjoy the fun." Death is selected in the Difficulty Indicator UI. Activates Death Mode. #BA55D3 ●
"Death is not active; not fun enough for you?" None or Revengeance are selected in the Difficulty Indicator UI while Death Mode is active. Deactivates Death Mode.
"Revengeance is active." Revengeance is selected in the Difficulty Indicator UI. Activates Revengeance Mode. #DC143C ●
"Revengeance is not active." None is selected in the Difficulty Indicator UI while Revengeance Mode is active. Deactivates Revengeance Mode.
"You cannot changes the rules now!" The player tries changing the difficulty while a boss is alive. No effect.

Toggle Items

Message Trigger Effect Color
"The Sulphurous Sea is now on the right/left side of the world." Using the Sulphurous Sea World Side Changer. Switches the side of the world where the Sulphurous Sea and Abyss are located. #73C293 ●

Permanent power-ups

Message Trigger Effect Color
"You have already consumed a Blood Orange. Eating any more would make your blood too thick to flow." When the player attempts to use a second Blood Orange. No effect. #FFA500 ●
"You have already consumed a Miracle Fruit. It would take a miracle to put you back together if you ate another." When the player attempts to use a second Miracle Fruit. #00BFFF ●
"You have already consumed an Elderberry. Your body would become dust if you ate more than one." When the player attempts to use a second Elderberry. #40E0D0 ●
"You have already consumed a Dragonfruit. Any more draconic power and you'd be rejected." When the player attempts to use a second Dragonfruit. #00FF80 ●
"You have already used a Comet Shard. Your neurons would die if you used another." When the player attempts to use a second Comet Shard. #87CEEB ●
"You have already used an Ethereal Core. Your brain would escape your head if you dared to use it a second time." When the player attempts to use a second Ethereal Core. #C71585 ●
"You have already used a Phantom Heart. The voices are telling you it's a bad idea to use it again." When the player attempts to use a second Phantom Heart. #FFC0CB ●

Death Messages

Message Trigger Color
"<PlayerName> downed too many shots."
"<PlayerName>'s liver failed."
When the player is killed by Alcohol Poisoning. #FF1919 ●
"<PlayerName>'s infection spread too far."
"<PlayerName>'s skin was replaced by the astral virus."
"<PlayerName> succumbed to their spaceborne pustules."
When the player is killed by the Astral Infection debuff.
"<PlayerName> fired one too many careless shots."
"<PlayerName> had no blood left to give."
When the player is killed by the Bloodfire Arrow.
"<PlayerName> was consumed by the black flames."
"<PlayerName> was charred by the brimstone inferno."
"<PlayerName>'s soul burned to cursed soot."
When the player is killed by the Brimstone Flames or Weak Brimstone Flames debuffs.
"<PlayerName> ceased functioning."
"<PlayerName> lost the last of their neurons."
"<PlayerName> was everywhere at the end of time."
When the player is killed by the Brain Rot debuff.
"<PlayerName> became a blood geyser."
"<PlayerName> burst into high temperature hemorrhage."
When the player is killed by the Burning Blood debuff.
"<PlayerName> was crushed by the pressure."
"<PlayerName>'s lungs collapsed."
"<PlayerName>'s bones crunched under the deep pressure."
When the player is killed by the Crush Depth debuff.
"<PlayerName> was swept away by the tides."
"<PlayerName> was ripped apart by the current."
When the player is killed by the Riptide debuff.
"<PlayerName>'s ashes scatter in the wind."
"<PlayerName>'s embers fade away in a warm glow."
"<PlayerName> can no longer feel the heat of the dragonfire."
"This was a fight <PlayerName> could not win."
When the player is killed by the Dragonfire debuff.
"<PlayerName> was reduced to technicolor confetti."
"<PlayerName> was blasted apart by a harmonized elemental onslaught."
"<PlayerName> was overwhelmed by elemental turbulence."
When the player is killed by the Elemental Mix debuff.
"<PlayerName> imploded into nothingness."
"<PlayerName>'s body slipped into oblivion."
"<PlayerName> ceased being a part of our universe."
When the player is killed by the God Slayer Inferno debuff.
"<PlayerName> fell prey to their sins."
"<PlayerName> burst into sinless ash."
"<PlayerName> was purified by the profaned flame."
When the player is killed by the Holy Flames or Banishing Fire debuff.
"<PlayerName> was incinerated by the profaned backdraft." When the player is killed by the Holy Inferno debuff.
"<PlayerName> was blown away by miraculous technological advancements."
"<PlayerName> disintegrated from the overpowering exotic resonance."
"<PlayerName>'s constituent atoms rearranged themselves... poorly."
When the player is killed by the Miracle Blight debuff.
"<PlayerName> was enervated by lunar rays." When the player is killed by the Nightwither debuff.
"<PlayerName>'s flesh was melted by the plague."
"<PlayerName> couldn't vaccinate against the plague."
"<PlayerName> was reduced to nutrient rich sludge."
When the player is killed by the Plague debuff.
"<PlayerName>'s spirit was ravaged by foul wizardry." When the player is killed by the Shadowflame debuff.
"<PlayerName> was melted by the toxic waste."
"<PlayerName> ingested too many caustic chemicals."
"<PlayerName> couldn't handle the industrial backwash."
When the player is killed by the Sulphuric Poisoning debuff.
"<PlayerName> vaporized into thin air." When the player is killed by the Vaporfied debuff.
"<PlayerName> was devastated by uncontrollable, hateful magic."
"<PlayerName> was ruined by peerless witchcraft."
"<PlayerName>'s soul crumbled from the scorn and contempt."
When the player is killed by the Vulnerability Hex debuff.
"<PlayerName> was tormented by unfathomable grief." When the player is killed by the Vulnerability Hex debuff during Supreme Witch, Calamitas' Grief phase.
"<PlayerName> was brought low by the cold fires of lament." When the player is killed by the Vulnerability Hex debuff during Supreme Witch, Calamitas' Lament phase.
"<PlayerName> was shown a shallow, cruel epiphany." When the player is killed by the Vulnerability Hex debuff during Supreme Witch, Calamitas' Epiphany phase.
"<PlayerName> couldn't accept their bleak, uncaring reality." When the player is killed by the Vulnerability Hex debuff during Supreme Witch, Calamitas' Acceptance phase.
"<PlayerName> withered away." When the player is killed by the Withered debuff.
"<PlayerName>'s soul was released by the lava."
"<PlayerName> joined those forgotten by the accursed magma."
When the player is killed by the lava in the Brimstone Crag.
"<PlayerName>'s life was completely converted into mana." When the player is killed by the Mana Polarizer or Chaos Stone.
"<PlayerName> succumbed to alcohol sickness." When the player is killed by the lowered regeneration from Alcohol.
"<PlayerName> is food for the Wyrms."
"Oxygen failed to reach <PlayerName> from the depths of the Abyss."
"<PlayerName> faded away, lost in the dark waters."
When the player is killed by drowning in the Abyss.
"<PlayerName> couldn't stand the sharp objects." When the player is killed by the Cosmic Plushie.
"<PlayerName> was slapped too hard."
"<PlayerName> forked around and found out."
When the player is killed by the Drunk Princess.
"<PlayerName> collapsed from severe anemia."
"<PlayerName> was unable to obtain a blood transfusion."
When the player is killed by the Blood Boiler.
"<PlayerName> was violently pricked by a flower." When the player is killed by the Thorn Blossom.
"<PlayerName> became the blood god's sacrifice." When the player is killed by the Corpus Avertor's stealth strike.
"Norfleet showed <PlayerName> what happens to cheaters." When the player is killed by the Norfleet after attempting to shoot it more than 3 times in a row through swapping items.
"<PlayerName>'s blood vessels burst from drug overdose."
"<PlayerName> couldn't handle another cosmic mana transfer."
When the player is killed by the Astral Injection.
"<PlayerName> was once again impaled by a Goldfish." When the player is instantly killed by a Fearless Goldfish Warrior with the name "Metarex" or "LordMetarex."
"<PlayerName> was summoned too soon." When the player is killed while equipping the Profaned Soul Crystal accessory.
"<PlayerName> bathed too long in acidic waters." When the player is killed by the Sulphurous Sea's water poison meter.
"<PlayerName> fell to the inevitable." When the player is killed after triggering Necro armor's set bonus.
"<PlayerName> was not worthy." When the player is killed by touching Auric Ore.
"<PlayerName>'s life was fully tapped by dark magics." When the player is killed by using the Oblatory Enchantment.
"<PlayerName> was purged of their unworthy existence." When the player is killed by Providence's negative healing on the get fixed boi seed.
"<PlayerName> drank too deeply from the Chalice of the Blood God."
"<PlayerName> was drained to the last drop."
"<PlayerName> bit off more of their health bar than they could chew."
"<PlayerName> was abruptly reminded of their mortality."
"<PlayerName> choked on a tithe of blood."
"<PlayerName> collapsed, pale and gaunt, still clutching the Chalice."
"<PlayerName> expertly demonstrated the art of life stealing from themselves."
"<PlayerName> ran out of borrowed time."
"<PlayerName> brought the Chalice to their lips, only to find it empty."
"<PlayerName>'s careless injuries caught up with them."
"<PlayerName> suffered a death most grisly and predictable."
"<PlayerName> was thoroughly exsanguinated by the Chalice of the Blood God."
"<PlayerName> could only give their life in exchange for the blood price."
"<PlayerName> sank to their knees, dissolving in a pool of their own blood."
"<PlayerName> lost it all in their petty gamble with the Blood God."
"<PlayerName> did not live to see another day."
"<PlayerName> crumpled, weakly reaching for their already-stopped heart."
"<PlayerName> was reduced to a dry husk by the Chalice of the Blood God."
When the player is killed by Chalice of the Blood God's bleeding.
"<PlayerName> almost made it. Almost." When the player is killed by Chalice of the Blood God's last bleeding.
"<PlayerName> violated their pact with the Blood God." When the player is killed by unequipping the Chalice of the Blood God.
"<PlayerName> joined the Whispering Maelstrom."
"<PlayerName> was reduced to a faceless screamer."
<PlayerName>'s soul was siphoned by the Whispering Maelstrom."
When the player is killed by the Whispering Maelstrom.
"<PlayerName> was sent to Brazil."
"<PlayerName> joined the Sons and Daughters."
"<PlayerName>'s physical body went out of bounds."
When the player is killed by the Whispering Maelstrom on the get fixed boi seed.


Message Trigger Effect Color
"The LORDE is approaching..." 0.000001% (or 1 in 100,000,000) chance every frame if the day is April Fools Day. No effect. #DC143C ●
Book "Note: The Fandom wiki is no longer supported by Calamity" Book
Book "Be sure to check out the Official Calamity Mod Wiki at!" Book
After 12 to 20 seconds when loading into a world. No effect. #3989FF ● (Link)
#EE4939 ● (Text)