Ink Bomb

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Ink Bomb
  • Ink Bomb.png
Stack digit 1.png
TypeAccessoryCrafting material
TooltipThrows several ink bombs when hit that explode in a confusing cloud of ink
Gain a lot of stealth when struck
This effect has a 20 second cooldown before it can occur again
Inflicts DebuffConfusedConfused
100% chance

Debuff duration5 seconds (Ink bombs)
Debuff tooltipMovement is reversed
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell 80 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectiles created
Ink Bomb (projectile)
Ink Bomb (thrown)
Ink Clouds
Ink Clouds
Cooldown used
Ink Bomb Cooldown
Ink Bomb Cooldown
20 seconds (When hit)
Dropped by
Cuttlefish110% / 20% Expert Mode
Colossal Squid133.33%

The Ink Bomb is a Pre-Hardmode rogue accessory that is dropped by Cuttlefish and Colossal Squids. When equipped, getting hit by an enemy will spawn three ink bombs from the player that explode into short-lingering ink clouds which deal a large amount of damage and inflict the Confused debuff. The bombs have a 20 second cooldown and they cannot be deployed again until the cooldown is over.

If the player does not have full rogue stealth, they will receive 50% of their rogue stealth cap upon the Ink Bombs activation.


Used in


  • The ink bombs are affected by rogue stealth as the bombs internally deal rogue damage.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Decreased cooldown from 25 seconds to 20.
    • Increased cooldown from 20 seconds to 25.
    • Increased drop rate from Cuttlefish from 2.5% / 5% Expert Mode to 5% / 10% Expert Mode, and drop rate from Colossal Squids from 10% to 20% in all modes.
  • Now releases three bombs when hit instead of five.
  • Removed Ink Bomb Cooldown debuff; it now appears on the cooldown rack.
  • Dodge effect no longer stacks with Abyssal Mirror or Eclipse Mirror.
  • Bomb and clouds now function in PvP.